Wednesday 21 March 2012

Tips for Mount Kinabalu Climbing

Breakfast at hotel before start climbing

Journey to Kinabalu Park

Kinabalu Park (entrance fee RM3/pax)

View from Kinabalu Park

Counter at Kinabalu Park

Starting Point

Story of Mount Kinabalu

Mount Kinabalu is the most dramatic feature in Sabah and the tallest peak between the Himalayas & the New Guinea. Towering at 4,095 metres (13,435 feet), Mount Kinabalu exerts a magical quality that is both indescribable and unbelievable. The granite peaks are constantly veiled in wisps of clouds which sometimes resemble a graceful woman peeping coyly from behind the veil. At times during a clear day, the summit reveals a distinct glacier carved pinnacles, rising from the smooth granite dome, exuberating tranquility and peacefulness.

The mountain itself represents one of the world’s youngest batholiths: an old magna chamber that was forced through the earth’s crust. Though young, it is the central focus of Kinabalu Park and the legends of the KadasanDusun people, Sabah’s largest ethnic group. The KadasanDunsun believe that the mountain is the sacred resting ground of the spirits of their ancestors.

Mount Kinabalu Climbing Challenge:

1)      Changing weather, especially rain and misty.
2)      Low temperatures below 10 degree C and possibility reaching - 4 degree C
3)      Lack of oxygen because of the height, and less green plants on the Mountain Kinabalu.
4)      Quickly feel tired, headache,altitude sickness and vomiting easily.

Mount Kinabalu climbing manners:

1)      Do not talk arrogant and indecent matter.
2)     Do not run by the banks of the mountain or joking in a steep area.
3)      Do not throw rubbish at the area of Kinabalu Mountain.
4)      Always stay with friends or groups.
5)      Do not be too long a rest during the climb, only in the rest hut.
6)      Do not take home a thing or plants from the mountain.

Things to bring for mount climbing:

1)      A pair of sports shoes.
2)      Two or more pairs of socks.
3)      A backpack is waterproof and suitable.
4)      Head a lamp and a new battery.
5)      Bring some extra energy food such as chocolate and energy bars.
6)      A raincoat.
7)      Two pair of long pants track-suite.
8)      Two pair of light t-shirt.
9)      Muffler or Shawl.
10)    The thick long sleeve shirt.
11)    Basic equipment for bath.
12)    Medications for leg cramps or headache.
13)    Toilet tissue papers.
14)    Sunglass, sunblock lotion, SPF lip balm, plasters
15)    Insect repellent
16)    Camera with waterproof bag
17)    Rubber sandals/slippers. (It can be used in the wet bathroom during your stay in Mountain Hut).
18)    Plastic bags.
19)    Waist pouch. Waist pouch is handy during the second part of the climb as you could keep your camera 
          and raincoat inside.

click link below for the checklist:

Health requirements:

To climbers

      1)       You need to be in decent physical condition.
2)       You must not have heart or lung problems.
3)       You need healthy knees and ankles.
4)       Take your time and know your physical limitations.

** Consult your personal physician if: 
                           a)    You are taking any kind of medication.
              b)    You have any other health problems.

DO NOT CLIMB If you are suffering from or have a history of the following ailments:-
1.       Hypertension
2.       Diabetes
3.       Palpitation
4.       Arthritis
5.       Heart disease
6.       Severe Anemia
7.       Peptic ulcers,
8.       Epileptic Fits
9.       Obesity (Overweight)
10.   Chronic Asthma
11.   Muscular Cramps
12.   Hepatitis (Jaundice)
13.   Any other sickness or disease that may be triggered by severe cold, exertion, and high altitude.

If you want to climb or any information do contact us for more :)

Sales & Reservation: +6 088 734125
24 Hours Hotline: +6 019 8813072

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1 comment:

  1. I really like your take on the issue. I now have a clear idea on what this matter is all about..
    waist pouch
